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Bad Vibes

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Are bad vibes real?

If you can believe it, research on bad vibes exists! Enough people felt that they could walk into a room and instinctively feel good or bad about the space, that researchers decided to investigate.

The research focuses on two main areas— chemosignals and Emotional Residue.

What are chemosignals?

Chemosignals are very tiny chemicals exchanged between people that are detected through the nose and mouth, but which you are totally unconscious of. So you don’t smell or taste anything, but you feel a certain way — an emotion is generated.

What is Emotional Residue?

Emotional Residue is the concept that someone can leave their chemosignals behind in a space, and when you walk into the space later, can still pick up on those signals.

People that pick up on fear chemosignals in a room will unconsciously have a fearful facial expression in themselves.

Similarly, people that pick up on disgust chemosignals have a disgusted facial expression and will stop using their nose to smell as much.

Are good vibes real?

Luckily, the same is true for positive emotions. Although most research has focused on bad vibes, one study shows that happy chemosignals are transmitted between people as well.

So is it possible to remove bad vibes from a room by airing it out and spending time generating good emotions in it instead? There’s definitely no research, but it’s totally worth a try.

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Bad Vibes